Friday, January 4, 2008

Do Him Good All the Days of Your Life

"She comforts, encourages, and does him only good as long as there is life within her." The Amplified Bible

"Never spiteful, she treats him generously all her life long." The Message

"She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life." NKJV

Proverbs 31:12 is one of those verses that we feel that we have control over and do pretty well, right? We don't beat our husbands, we don't go on strike, we don't lock him out of the house at night, do we? That is not all that this verse is concerning. Yes, you may be a pretty nice person most of the time, but what kind of attitude do you do it in? Are you generous with your time, consideration, and love with your husband? If you have kids, this may feel like just one more thing to add to your list, but it is essential to keeping your relationship with your husband alive and flourishing.

Doing good doesn't mean that you show up at the door in your heels and little else, holding his slippers and newspaper. It means that you allow God's love to flow through you to your husband. This may be picking up those socks for the one-thousandth time without commenting or fixing him his favorite meal, even though you don't like it (kraut and wieners in my case). You want him to feel loved, cherished, and encouraged by your actions. There are some things that we women do, sometimes, that can breed bitterness in us that will translate to our actions toward our husband. These need to be discussed as well.

How many times have you been with your friends and "man-bashed" with them? Even though your husband is not there, that does not mean that it does not have an effect upon your relationship with him and his relationship with others. This is one thing that I try very hard to refrain from - simply because I feel it hurts my relationship with God and what He would have me to do and it can breed discontent and bitterness in my heart. That doesn't mean that things don't "pop out" every once in a while, but I really try to keep from joining in on the man-bashing.

When is the last time you spent time alone with your husband? Yes, you may have been in bed with him last night alone, but when was the last time you were away from the kids for a few hours or even a few days together? If you are like most women, the answer may be last year, two years ago, or even longer. Your children are important, but even more important is your husband. He was the first part of your relationship and will be the last part, so why would you not want to nurture your relationship with him? You don't want to have all of the children grow up and leave and find that you have nothing to talk about with your husband. By nourishing your relationship now, you can keep it growing and alive, so that you will have marriage that will stand the test of time. Plan a night our or a weekend away, so that you can reconnect with your husband.

Find ways to encourage and do good for your husband this weekend. Leave me a comment with some of the ways that you came up with to encourage and cherish your husband!

Lord, I ask that you give us a love for our husbands that only comes from You. You are love and without You, we cannot love. Help us to do good to our husbands all the days of our lives. Put opportunities in our path to show our husbands our love and encouragement. Thank you for loving us, so that we can show love to others. I praise You, Lord. Amen.

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